My Week(s) in Instagram! 9/28/15 – 10/11/15

Hi lovelies! Welcome back to my weekly blog feature, My Week in Instagram. I know it’s been absolutely ages since I’ve done a post (so much for weekly, amirite?) but it’s been difficult getting posts organized without a laptop since I’m rarely home these days except for showering and sleeping, so when I am home the last thing on my mind is getting a post out. But… good news! I am now the proud owner of a MacBook Pro (thanks student loans!) so I am going to work on getting back into blogging a bit as a way to unwind from the absolute insanity of my degree program. While I do the catching up thing, expect these “weekly” posts to cover somewhere around 2 weeks at a time.

So, back to the Instagram thing! These two weeks were my 5th and 6th weeks at Chapman, and they were also the two weeks that Mr. Envoy was on the range “dual qualifying” with both rifle and pistol. He was gone by 4am at the latest each morning so I either got up with him when he left to guarantee that I’d be up in time to catch the train or I’d set about 5 alarms to make sure I got up on my own. Adulting… the struggle is real.

I also had a super fun harp gig during these two weeks down in San Diego at the Sheraton Hotel off Harbor Island (across the street from Lindbergh Field – SD’s international airport). I got to play for a cocktail hour of a wedding and it was such a blast. Yay for harp gigs!

These two weeks were pretty good, but my one complaint was that it was still so damn hot even with it officially becoming Autumn. Triple digit heat during Autumn is just not cool… (hah, see what I did there? So punny! :P)

Well, that’s it for these two weeks! Keep an eye on my blog for more updates as I work on playing catch up before resuming my weekly posting schedule on Mondays. Or you can just follow me on Instagram at @geekkate and @geekkateplans ;)

What were you guys up to at the end of September/beginning-middle of October? Let me know in the comments!

<3 and harp strings,

Tell me what you think! I'd love to know =)